Our team and our expertise in complementary medicine work on several levels, such as body, mind, and soul. We use proven, effective methods and programs to achieve optimal health in most areas.

Mats Näslund

Certified Masseur and Craniosacral Therapist

I believe that the body always strives for balance on all levels. So when I provide massage or craniosacral treatment, I always have the intention to support the body's desire for a healthier body.

Ewa Snidare

Integral Craniosacral Therapist

Ewa's mission is to work with what lies beneath the surface on all levels, addressing all that is broken, thereby helping individuals achieve a higher balance within themselves and see themselves from a new perspective and in a different light, with their full potential and capacity.
Ewa has 20 years of experience in body therapies.

Anitha Nyström

Medical Foot Care Therapist, Mediyoga Therapist, Lymph Masseur

Working with various people and having daily interactions is incredibly enjoyable. My goal is to help my customers feel as good as possible, to be 100% involved. Since I am interested in the overall well-being of my customers, this means…

Annikka Rosman

Medical Foot Care Therapist and Tactile Therapist

Jag har ett genuint intresse av att hjälpa människor till bättre kropps- och fothälsa. Sadlade om och utbildade mig till diplomerad Medicinsk Fotterapeut år 2004. Det är givande att få möta människor i alla åldrar och livssituationer på min behandlingsstol.

Anna Karin Fredmer

Certificerad Kraniosakralterapeut

Kroppen har en otrolig visdom och jag tror på kroppens förmåga till självläkning om vi lyssnar på vad kroppen försöker säga. För mig är det viktigt att kunna bidra till att sprida förståelse för hur kroppen kommunicerar med oss och hur våra emotioner påverkar vårt mående. Kraniosakral behandling och Emotionkoden är för mig fantastiska verktyg för detta.

Ulrika Henningsson

Certified Craniosacral Therapist

Craniosacral therapy is an amazing treatment method that has provided me with wonderful encounters and personal development on all levels. I want to share that with others!

Ming Niku

B.Sc, MA, MBA, Doctoral, CEO, Aukt. KranioSakral terapeut, Utbildare

I believe that everyone has an inherent right and power to a dignified life, to always be able to feel good and better through self-management. I love being able to offer my support for opportunities for change using a holistic approach across the entire spectrum of consciousness development, for better health and well-being.
