Meditation can be an art!
We offer term training, courses, and retreats with various meditation methods that lead you into deep relaxation, focused attention, and presence. You can find the methods that suit you best.
We practice exercises involving all the senses, tactile, auditory, and visual. Our courses are also suitable for people with different disabilities, including the hearing impaired, those with reduced hearing or deafness, as well as their relatives and personal assistants.
Our goal with our courses and retreats is for participants to discover one or more methods they truly want and can use in their daily lives at home.
Our meditation forms include:
- Zhineng Qigong movement meditations
- Integral methods
- Body movement and awareness meditations
- Breathing techniques
- Guided meditations in a lying or sitting position
Our services

Ming Niku
Aukt. KranioSakral terapeut för människor och för djur, Utbildare; B.Sc, MA, MBA, Doctoral, CEO