aktuella event
Här finner ni våra kurser och andra evenemang som ni kan registrera er på.
Please select listing to show.
Workshop and retreat
Welcome to a week-long workshop in Zhineng Qigong with Dr Lv. It will consist of theory, practice, and healing with focus on health in different leve
- October 21st - 27th 2024
- daytime
- Regular 5000 SEK, Reduced 4000 SEK, Online 3500 SEK

Dr Lv Junfeng
Cooporation with Reco.se in recension from June 2022
All of our customers will automatically be asked to give a assessment for their experiences with our services. Safe and totally voluntarily!
- from June 2022
- ongoing
- Free

Ming Niku and the whole team
B. Sc; MA; MBA, Dotoral; RCST, & all therapists

Free E-Course
Selfcare Tools - Integral Bodily Exercises and Meditations
Self-help health tools for everyday life – Simple and effective for your entire self, incorporating the physical, emotional, and mental aspects as a whole, and they are practical.
- Directly
- Directly
- Cost free

Ming Niku
B.Sc., M.A., MBA, Doctoral, RCST
Continuous Professional Development Course (CPD)
Dr. Jaap van der Wal Embryo in Motion - Embryo in Us, Sweden 2024 - Tribute to the Phenomenological Work by Jaap on the Wall
Dr Jaap van der Wal shares insights on bridge between Embryology, Anatomy, Body, Mind, Spirit, Consciousness and life.
- 06-09.06.2024
- Dag 1: 10:00-17.30; Dag 2-3: 09.00-17.30, Dag 4: 09.00-16.00
- SEK 6995, incl. VAT (SEK 2095/day), repetation, family, young/student up to 26 years old, 50% reduction

Dr Jaap van der Wal
MD PhD, Maastricht, Holland