Frequently Asked Questions

Here are some of the most common questions from our clients. If you have other questions before booking, please feel free to contact us, and we'll be happy to assist you.

Craniosacral therapy is a method involving gentle and light touch as a means of communication to support the body's self-healing capacity, releasing tensions and restoring the cells' original vitality and functions. Craniosacral therapy has a profound impact on your entire organism. When the body's overall condition improves significantly, the individual can achieve good health and a high quality of well-being in life.

There are four Craniosacral therapists collaborating at our center: Ming NikuMats NäslundUlrika Henningsson and Ewa Snidare.

In addition to contacting us directly via email and phone, you can easily book our services online directly on our website.

Click on the "BOOK HERE" button at the top of the page and choose the provider or service you wish to book.
