aktuella event

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Välkomna till Stormbyvägen 2-4

Workshop and retreat

Welcome to a week-long workshop in Zhineng Qigong with Dr Lv. It will consist of theory, practice, and healing with focus on health in different leve
Dr Lv
Dr Lv Junfeng

Cooporation with Reco.se in recension from June 2022

All of our customers will automatically be asked to give a assessment for their experiences with our services. Safe and totally voluntarily!
Ming Niku and the whole team
B. Sc; MA; MBA, Dotoral; RCST, & all therapists

Free E-Course

Selfcare Tools - Integral Bodily Exercises and Meditations

Self-help health tools for everyday life – Simple and effective for your entire self, incorporating the physical, emotional, and mental aspects as a whole, and they are practical.
Ming Niku
B.Sc., M.A., MBA, Doctoral, RCST

Continuous Professional Development Course (CPD)

Dr. Jaap van der Wal Embryo in Motion - Embryo in Us, Sweden 2024 - Tribute to the Phenomenological Work by Jaap on the Wall

Dr Jaap van der Wal shares insights on bridge between Embryology, Anatomy, Body, Mind, Spirit, Consciousness and life.
Dr Jaap van der Wal
MD PhD, Maastricht, Holland